Freeze Dry Industry News

Why Parker Freeze Dyers?

Written by Amber H. | Sep 15, 2023 8:29:30 PM

What are the top things you should be considering when shopping for a commercial freeze dryer? Parker Freeze Dryers checks all the boxes.

  • Is it reliable?
  • Ease of installation?
  • How much maintenance is required to run the machine?
  • Is there a warranty?
  • What other components will I need to operate? 
  • How challenging is it to use?
  • Will there be after purchase support?
  • How much will it cost?

We want to answer those questions for you about Parker Freeze Dryers, taking the guess work out of buying Commerical grade. 



Parker Freeze Dryers are handcrafted with quality industrial grade materials, Stainless Steel housing with only the top-of-the-line components, Leybold vacuum pump, commercial grade refrigeration system and all the way down to the seals, wheels and every part in between. There are no compromises for quality in any of our machines, from the smallest capacity Summit to the Largest Parker 16R.

Ease Of Installation?

So, what about ease of installation? Parker freeze dryers are built for you. They are not stored in warehouses as a cut and paste operation. We are able to fit your needs, making the drain hoses and operating panels accessible where you need them. This will make installation of a Parker Freeze Dryer, virtually flawless.

What about Maintenance? 

We make sure that your machine is built to run as intended. We compiled a list of maintenance items that should be completed daily, weekly and monthly. These items are minor things, that ensure your machine will last for years to come. In the event that there is a failure, we also have put together a spare parts kit that includes the most frequently requested items. The kits include things like, gaskets, O-rings, thermocouples and other components that can fail over time. Read more about the spare parts kits, HERE.



Does Parker Freeze Dry offer a warranty? The short answer is, yes. We offer warranties on the different components in the freeze dryer and those warranties are calculated at time of set up.

Additional items needed?

So, what else will you need for your Parker Freeze Dyer? The biggest thing you will need is space, a location to house your unit and access to 480v 3 phase power is the biggest need for a Paker Freeze Dryer. For our smallest unit the Summit, you will only need access to 230v | 60 Amp | 3 Phase power.  Our largest machines are run in conjunction with a refrigeration system and all dimensions are on spec sheets that can be located HERE.

Easy to operate?

Parker machines are designed with simplicity in mind, from the batch style chambers to the proprietary operating system that stores recipes and offers remote access for ease of operation. 

What about after the purchase?

Occasionally things happen that are unforeseen, or out of our control. We are here to help after the purchase, we won't just send you on your way. parker Freeze Dry offers an in person onsite training for your machine, and after that we offer service and support long after you're freeze drying. Our system is also set up for remote access in case of any trouble shooting needs from our team, as well as in person service for anything beyond that. 


So how much do they cost? Our machines start at $155,000 USD. The smallest model (The Summit) is a turnkey system, and modular in design that runs 97.5 lbs. of wet weight per batch, so that you just need to have 240V/60amp service with the provided plug, and it is ready to go. Prices and necessary equipment for use increases as the batch sizes increase and they go up to 4,000 lbs., Parker Freeze Dry unlike its competitors, includes refrigeration in the pricing, rather than it being a separate purchase. Most businesses will utilize a specialized capital equipment lender for these purchases, and we are happy to refer you to educated lenders who are able to potentially offer help in your lending needs. 

Wrap it up!

We are sure you will be happy with your purchase, Parker Freeze Dryers take time and consideration in all of their machines, from the very first weld to the moment we load them on the truck to be shipped to your facility. We spare no efforts when it comes to superior customer service and reliability in our Freeze dryers. We invite you to have a conversation with an expert, to find exactly what you will need for your business.