Cart maintenance is a crucial piece of your freeze-drying process. Previously, your best option was to manually inspect all connections with a voltmeter. Now with our new Heated Cart Tester you can simply plug in and monitor all 3 phases of power. In the event of a change in resistance or voltage you know exactly where to look within your Parker Heated Cart. Having this as part of your preventative maintenance process allows for increased efficiencies & additional throughput.
Previously, testing the carts was a tedious and time-consuming process. The new cart testing port allows you to narrow down any loss of power quickly and efficiently. The Port is plugged into the cart and monitors the 3 legs of power automatically without needing to manually check each tray individually. The cart is broken down into 3 sections. AB, BC and AC. Each section is monitored allowing you to see the drop in voltages and amps. This allows you to see that the OHM's have dropped and the section where service is required. When you are running multiple carts at one time, this saves you hours of time and labor.
The testing port will only determinf where the problem is. You will then need to determins what the problem is and have it repaired.